Friday, 7 March 2014

Day 273: The election draws near...

Political acts
 Day 273 (5 Sept) Thursday.

Lunch at breakfast,
at 6.12am
Teaching cuts across any reasonable eating time (as usual) and at 6.12am, I was multitasking again, making lunch while breakfast cooked. I suppose I could have just as easily been watering the bonsai or on the computer...such is this record of my life, but there you go, aiming for a little variety. 

On the way to work as I approached the car park, I noticed someone had pasted posters over all the candidates' corflutes overnight, demonstrating the general displeasure with our political system. This electorate, Fisher, has been witness to some particularly poor examples of the political process as well. The sign said: 'Vote for us we will definitely disappoint you'

Naturally I tweeted it, as a public service.

Post-lecture, at 6.12pm
The end of another lecture and back in the office, at 6.12pm, to complete a range of tasks before leaving. Tomorrow is another medical appointment and the day after is election day: the days I really enjoy. 

Until then, there's marking to be done and another late night run down #theBruce.

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