Monday, 7 October 2013

Day 247: A touch of theatre

Day 247 (10 Aug) Saturday. A bit of early morning recovery from the previous night's  dagwood dog adventures. Then, no rest, it is off to clarinet rehearsal before racing over to the theatre for a performance, Trollop, at 2pm. 

Waking up, at 6.12am

Brisbane afternoon
Plays in the Bille Brown Studio are always interesting, challenging; sometimes perhaps not quite ready for mainstage, sometimes just perfect. It's a nice walk over to the studio from the bus stop where I took the pic at the intersection of Peel and Grey streets. Another stunning blue sky moment and a bit of dramatic perspective via the angles. 

Sun setting 
By the time I'm on my way home, there's another colourful sunset and then home to continue reading the Saturday papers, as often happens with a full Saturday program. Nice to be reading about Geoffrey Rush, one of Queensland's acting talents, having spent a day at the theatre. 
Home again, at 6.12pm

Tomorrow is a 'work' day, off to do the Uni Open Day.

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