Monday, 7 October 2013

Day 251: Bluestockings

Bluestocking stall
Day 251 (14 Aug) Wednesday. Today is our campus contribution to the nationwide week of celebrating women in education, Bluestocking Week. I'll fit it in around a normal day's work but we have some interesting things planned. 

Dishes, at 6.12am
It is an early start so 6.12am today saw dishes washed and briefcase packed to head out the door. There is to be a little bit of organisation for today's events, in between classes and meetings. 

Celebrating women in education
Bluestocking week celebrates and remembers the efforts of women (primarily) in the late 19th and early 20th century to obtain, fairly and equitably, opportunities for education. This in an era when it was thought, for example, that women who demonstrated too much intelligence by exercising their brain might atrophy their wombs thus compromising their reproductive purpose. 

We have planned a fundraising bake-off for a women's shelter as well as a 'Bluestocking Promenade' around the campus highlighting the history of women in education. It is unusual for the campus to have such moments, moments that were a normal part of my student experience. We encounter the expected cheers and jeers of many as we promenaded. 

Tutes, at 6.12pm
We raised a healthy sum of money, encouraged curiosity in several issues ... and then went back to work. 

The politics and security of East Asia is today's subject, and at 6.12pm, we continue to work our way through the Dower text on cultures of war. 

A bit of work back in the office and it is time to head home once more. 

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