Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day 76: Early tweeters and dark tunnels

Day 76 (19 Feb) Nature has hit the replay button today. The rain continues with seemingly no end. The day started early, about 3am in fact, as I got up to finish off some work. The twitterverse is alive with other like-minded early starters so really, with twitter one is never alone. Much of the twitter-chatter is amongst the 612ers...staff and listeners. Interesting world really. 

Early tweeters, just before 6.12am
When it rains at my place, the loris take cover on the deck. I think I've mentioned the 'lorikeet rain gauge' previously whereupon the number of loris perched on the deck is in inverse proportion to the amount of rain that will fall during the day. As soon as day broke, the loris were perched--sure sign of much rain. Just before 6.00am these three were perched and shuffling amongst each other. Not quite 6.12 but a shot nonetheless. It's also a bit of a homage to fellow #project365er Susan Hetherington (@snoozen) who captured a marvellous pic of a lori in flight. We discussed the question of how many birds pics are too many. Cathy (@Chasseur06) and I determined the answer was too many are never enough. 
Yesterday's news today,
at 6.12am

A quick shot on the phone but worth it I reckon. 

Luckily there was the variation on the usual theme. The morning started at the table with a bit of work and coffee. Looks like yesterday? Something about creature of habit? And at 6.12am, catching up on yesterday's paper.  

A rainy day all day. Orientation activities at work, meeting the new students, dealing with the usual administrative tasks. Notwithstanding the 3am start, I was still in the office at 6.12pm and, like yesterday, I happened to be speaking with a colleague (a different one this time), who left just as the clock ticked over. So while the 6.12 moments today looked remarkably similar to yesterday the times in between did offer a little variety from the usual, sort of. 

The major political news of the day, however, perfectly-timed for Week 1 of an introduction to politics, the Greens declared that their 'alliance' with the minority Labor Government was effectively over, save for key confidence motions and supply. (*And that was one of those odd moments where I just typed exactly what was being said on the radio news, spooky.)  This is going to make the remainder of the government's term in the lead up to the September election most interesting. 

A view in the office, at 6.12pm.
'No. 76 in a series'
The other major news of the day was that surprise surprise, here in Brisbane the second road tunnel, the AirportLink has gone into receivership. This follows the Clem7 tunnel down the...same dark tunnel...? I do use the tunnels, mostly in the morning and yes, there is little traffic in them. Sometimes at night, around 9.00 or 10.00 pm, I can be the only car in the tunnel. 

I think the toll is too high. I could potentially use them twice a day at a cost of $16+ dollars; add that to rising petrol costs and its just a bit too much. Make it cheaper? Is the high toll simply impatience on the part of the investors. Growing up in Sydney, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, built in the 1930s, for years cost just 20 cents. It was eventually paid off, though its purpose, to cross the harbour was obviously more important than trying to dodge traffic by going under the river here in Brisbane. Try $2.00. I reckon more than twice the number of cars would use them, and the money would come in. 

Anyway,  I'm paying money to a company in receivership to use a tunnel. A bit of a metaphor for life I think. As I posed the question today: So if one drives through tunnels that are in voluntary administration, is one *really* driving through them? What will actually become of them. 

You can't exactly pack up your tunnel and take it home now can you? 

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