Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day 77: A bookish day.

Day 77 (20 Feb) The rain seems to have stayed away. That's good for O Weeks (no relation) all over the place as the new students come along to learn about uni. Today at work it is my Faculty's turn to speak to the students taking our classes so that means a couple of sessions of meeting students directly. 

I cover two areas of student studies: politics and Japanese. It's often about walking a range of students through a mix of encouragement and some preliminary detail about how the courses work...what can they expect when they walk in the door next week. Occasionally I'll see the same students in both sessions but mostly the politics/Japanese double is a bit of a mystery to most. Today I whipped out my slide of the Japanese fellow Watanabe and briefly told them his story--a nice mix of Japanese and politics. 

Working away, at 6.12am
But preparing for the day started with actually catching up with yesterday's post, since I got home post midnight last night. So it is a little self-referential again, over breakfast, as I worked away on the blog. So at 6.12am, working away, I took a look outside. 

Along the way though, I happened to notice that I had attained a magical number of 612 was a little after 6.12am but I was also listening to 612ABC at the time, so I thought it was worth a capture (and a tweet of course). 

And every book matters,
at 6.12pm
I think I have just about completed a full week's set of 'in the office' shots. I also think I have just about exhausted  all possible angles from inside the office. The one tonight at 6.12pm  saw me on the phone again but I turned to the my rather full bookshelf. This is the first bookshelf most visitors to my office see, and they think I have a lot of books...until they turn and look at the shelves on the wall to their right. There is an order, I know where specific books are but let's face it, it is a bit full. Still, the books are my tools of trade and I've been accumulating them over a thirty year period. Can't apologise for them; but it will be one heck of a move when that happens. 

When I think back to my O Week at Griffith University 32 years ago, I didn't imagine then that I would accumulate a bookshelf full of books. I do remember being intensely curious and more than eager to embark on my university studies--nothing else mattered then. I hope some students who started this week will equally find themselves in their preferred job and ever grateful for their uni studies in 2045, 32 years from now. It's been mostly quite great. 

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