Sunday, 24 February 2013

Day 81: Teaching Politics: it can no longer be shades of gr#^...

Day 81 (24 Feb) And it is officially a 'school' night. Classes start properly tomorrow at South Bank Monday and Sippy Downs the rest of the week. I'm looking forward to it. But before that begins...
The bonsai, in the rain,
at 6.12am

Today I am set to travel to the Gold Coast with new iDevices in hand to introduce my mother and one of my brothers to the delights, conveniences and occasional frustrations of the same. So it was up and at it early. Actually, it was pouring with rain when I got up and went out to check if I needed to water the bonsai. It wasn't until I got the blog up tonight that I realised I was doing the same at 6.12am yesterday. 

Well, makes me a creature of habit then I guess...

B & W and shades of ... *clouds*. 
I was also impressed by the overflowing gutters with the rain feeling like it was settling in for the day. Not the sort of weather I like to drive in. But I was looking a bit closer at the rain too, and hopefully this second pic, a little after 6.12am has caught it, in an abstract way. (I was going to call it 'shades of gr#^', but you can't use that phrase anymore without conjuring up one hundred parodies of a certain book. I'm going to find it hard to talk about politics, if I can't talk about shades of...)

So made it to the coast, mum took to the device as easily as I thought she would and far more easily than she thought she's gone well. My brother got his up and running too, so all was good. 

The bonsai, at 6.12pm
Lunch at a Mexican restaurant with mum followed and I headed home. The rain held off and I was back just in time to get out on the verandah to check for rain or other weather effects. I had the opportunity to do a 'photographer's pair' so yes, just as I did a few weeks ago, I took the bonsai from a similar angle as this morning. So here we are, twelve hours apart...can you see a difference on this overcast day? I dare say I can see, just, just a hint of difference in the light.

As I turn my attention to tomorrow's class, I'm still pondering my politics introduction...neither black nor white but shades of...shades of...I have to go away and think. 

News today that Australia's first female speaker of the House of Representatives (1986-1989), Joan Child, passed away yesterday. She was 91. Vale Ms Child and thank you for your place in our political history. 

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