Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Day 83: The rain...doth continue.

Day 83 (26 Feb) The rain continues and whereas yesterday was on the buses, today is back up the highway. Early in the morning is always the guessing game over whether or not the roads will be closed, or the University. With a 75-minute commute, one doesn't want to reach the front gate only to find the place closed. 

A little contemplation, at 6.12am
Not surprising then that it was one of my garden statues that caught my eye this morning at 6.12am. It just sits there on the verandah and offers some calm each day. Week 1 is always hectic for its 'newness' and  many things needing to be done. Tonight is also a council meeting at work so the day will be long. 

Introductory lectures today on the Sippy Downs campus, Japanese lectures today...the first years stepping out to take on the challenge and second year students coming back for more. It's a bit of a shift in years from first to second--I have the interesting job of offering equal parts encouragement and gentle but firm cajoling.  It is a shame that students who undertake study of a foreign language don't receive more acknowledgement for their efforts. 

Once upon a time, a second (or third) language was the norm and although the teaching techniques from those days might be scorned these days, at least people had insight into another way of thinking. These days, students do a 'cost-benefit' analysis of the time it takes versus grade gained. Sometimes language loses. Those students who persevere however, reap immeasurable benefits. 

Meeting, at 6.12pm
Much of the day is also taken up by administration which one realises must be done but sometimes the over-bureaucratisation simply belies logic. Oh, my teaching team is also putting together a proposal for spare time at all really. 

The evening is taken up by a meeting. It runs for about two hours. I am a staff representative and it is extra on top of my regular day. I was there at 6.12pm.

It means I will have work to do before I return home later, about 9.00pm. It's a long day. Still, it's been a good day, an important one that, like yesterday, matters for the new students. 

The rain looks set to continue. I shall go and build an ark. 

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