Sunday, 12 May 2013

Day 152: A long day ahead...

Day 152 (7 May) Tuesday. That's the long day at the SunCoast. Well, one of them. I spend a little time at home catching up on some emails and admin...easier to do here than try and do it at home. 

I'm taking a liking to the light of day when I get up. By 6.12am, there are some interesting light and shade highlights going on with the sky and the sun. I'm beginning to think I could just take photos of the sky and the trees at this time of day just to compare. 

Silhouettes, at 6.12am
I also have a fascination with clouds. I have a series of storm clouds I took some years ago set in a series of frames on the wall of the lounge room. 

Driving up the coast to campus, there was a fascinating play with huge cumulus clouds and greyer, storm-like ones. I could become a cloud chaser...

When I arrive at work, I try to take a rather surreptitious #612bluesky pic, since a colleague is approaching me in the car park. I don't think I can 'explain' this hobby of mine to everyone. 

In the office, it's hitting the boards running...the email inbox has exploded, there are requests to attend to more admin. Extra visits today by students. It doesn't stop really. A friend who is also an oncologist, phones with some news about my friend. I wish I didn't have these work responsibilities. At 3.05, there's a text, an update, more treatment.

Twitter pitstop
Still, there are lectures to be had, marking to be done. At 6.12pm, I'm in lecture theatre 8 with the first year politics students. There's been a bit more to say about Clive Palmer's push for parliament. He's running out of time to register though. In between, my thoughts are drifting. 

LT8, at 6.12pm

It is round two on the republic lecture tonight. I'll finish teaching around 9pm, I have some extra work to do before tomorrow. I leave about 10.30, following an extended twitterchat with lovely tweepsters about driving home. I offer a all's safe and well pitstop pic about 11.30. At this rate, I'll get home around 1.00am, and I need to be in the ABC studio at 5.00am...there's a special reason. 

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