Sunday, 26 May 2013

Day 169: Marking time (but again, probably not what you think)

Day 169 (24 May) Friday. Have decided today will be a day of marking...marking papers at home, but not before catching up with a friend and colleague to chew over the week with some tea and brioche, for a change (it's usually brownies, in the afternoon). 

There be aphids, at 6.12am
So, I do get up to get some of that marking done first up. It means looking out to see if today might also be a washing day, if I feel so inclined...not really. But the roses are looking interesting, to say the least. Something is eating at them. Aphids, I guess (in that not terribly clever gardener way of mine...I just remember the ad from my childhood). The tea and brioche is a nice distraction and then it is back to work. 

In the Green Room, BCCC, c. 1998
As I take a break from work, I start flicking back through some old photos, looking for 'true' monochrome photos to enter in this year's Ekka photo comp. I've been planning to do it for years but this year is it, I've got some nice ones of Japan from the trip. But there is also a little ambiguity about what might constitute a 'monochrome' pic these days. With photos taken on digital cards now which at a press of a button can be transformed into something that used to take time to do in the darkroom (yes, I'm old school, I used to spend time in darkrooms), I'm not sure whether 'monochrome' is true anymore. I've been trying to find out. 

One thing I have realised is that over time, I have taken a lot of band photos and I came across one of Bromley, in the 'green room' at the Brisbane Convention Centre the night we played for the President of Ireland who was visiting at the time. Dammit, something I forgot to mention last Tuesday...but we did. He made it happen. It was my 'big band' phase, though I do miss playing in the big band, Glenn Miller-style. It was a great night, the photo is a great reminder. 

Traffic & pizza, at 6.12pm
However, there are papers to mark and beer and pizza on the menu tonight. I head out at the usual time to pick-up the usual feed but find myself stuck at lights at 6.12pm. It seems there was a mass exodus from the city centre this evening, and no-one told us...I've not seen traffic like this at this time for ages. I've a big responsibility to ensure the pizzas don't go cold...

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