Sunday, 12 May 2013

Day 153: A 'real' 612 day

Yes, in 612ABC, Studio 400, at 6.12am and barely a second to spare
Day 153 (8 May) Wednesday...and a special day. A number of us are assembling in studio 400 at 612ABC to farewell producer Scott Spark who is moving on to Sydney. We'll be part of the 5.40am team chat and so that means getting to the studio around 5.00am. 

I did get some sleep, it has to be said. Three hours and with another late finish tonight. Chas is right, I need another job...but it would be hard to get a job that has this combination of variety and excitement. 'I spy' on my twitter feed that another early starting tweepster is up, disguising his intentions claiming a nocturnal cat is waking everyone up. It's great to see Brian (@Dobboinaus) in green room. He's there with Evan (@EvanOnTheGC), Bob (@rastas000) and Lord Julian (@JCBOONAH). We're joined shortly by @brissiefarmgirl, and chooks. Later, in the studio, there is Susan (@snoozen) who is there for her regular Wednesday spot.

Inside, looking out,
studio 400
I anticipated a surprise, but Scott joins us in the Green Room and we have a bit of a chat. He's off to Japan for a holiday so there's a bit to chat about. At the appointed time, Anne Debert gathers us all together and we head in to the studio in readiness for 5.40am. Now there is a twist in the tale...we've been asked to do a taste test...of 5.45AM! Seems the test is to find out whether or not there really is a point to the 'expiry date' on beer. I've always believed this to be the case and so do all I can to avoid having such beer in the house. I'm sort of volunteered, for gender balance, three blokes and me...

The taste test is going live to air...the things one does...I'm convinced number 2 is the stale one but when two of the blokes answer number 1, I have some self-doubt. I think I can guess the brand of beer but I reckon it is number 2. No worries, there are no prizes, but I should get it right. Scott identifies number 2, I confess I believe the same...we are right. I'm still not sure what to make of a skill that identifies stale beer on breakfast radio...

On the way to the tute,
at 6.12pm
Scott played a song live (he's a fabulous musician as well as producer), we all got to 'hang out' in the studio for an hour or so, and then I had to depart for the work day. I have a special post of photos coming up next. You might recall that my decision to go with 6.12 as the #project365 time was a tribute to these people, the 612ABC team, the tweepsters, the ones who were there and the ones who tweeted us. It truly is a great community of radio and social example of how it works so well. It's a great privilege to be part of it. 
Numbers, observed.

I have to be at work for the 10am lecture, the Republic, mark 3. I have a slight change to the lecture schedule today, a joint effort with a colleague who teaches linguistics. Normally I do it separately each year, but somehow this semester our courses clash so we have no option but to do it at the same time. It is on the media in Japan, for my students, and the socio-lingusitic aspects for my colleague's is an interesting challenge. Thereafter, it is back to our respective tutorials. I stay back  for a while to do some more work. I have a special lecture on Japanese history to give to some visiting high school students on Friday. I should spend a bit of time on it. It's been a long day. 

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