Sunday, 12 May 2013

Day 157: On the importance of history...and taking nothing for granted.

The trees, at 6.12am
Day 157 (12 May) Mother's Day, Sunday. It is raining. The washing won't happen. 

Just to confirm, I wander by the laundry and check the backyard. OK, maybe not pouring rain, maybe I could do it but the clouds look ominous. Besides, there is a bit of a date with history this morning to attend to. 

Looking out my back 6.12am
A long-term friend of the orchestra, getting on, would like to pass on some of his books on history, mostly involving Queensland. We caught up with him again last night and made the morning tea 'date'. Armed with brownies and brioche we make our way over to his place. He has tremendous knowledge and experience in the TAFE sector, dating back several decades, and at quite significant times. The morning chat extends until after 1.30pm. My friend, an historian, for whom the books were intended, can't help but see a rich history and story to be told. A specialist in oral history, we talk about the importance of recording stories before it is too late. I was part way through recording Bromley's orchestra experiences. I'm not sure we'll finish it now. We must never take anything, or anyone, for granted. 

Reading, at 6.12pm
Earlier in the day, I arranged with my mum that I will visit next week...we both agreed that a visit to that food market at Miami next Saturday will make the perfect 'belated' Mother's Day. 

I've spent much of the rest of the day jotting notes for Chas's funeral...much contemplation on the importance of taking nothing for granted. I've also been working away (on updating the blog) getting ready for the new week. It will be a little different now. I must also start reading A Clockwork Orange...I've booked to see the play in a couple of weeks. I've not read the book. 

And now we hear that Clive Palmer has changed the party name to Palmer's United Party...I now really hope I don't have to sell a PUP this week. 

And apologies if the blog has been a little self-indulgent and maudlin this past week...he was a good friend, a really good friend. I will miss him. 

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