Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 115: Seeing things in a slightly different light

Day 115 (30 Mar) Saturday...what I have always known to be Easter Saturday, but apparently that's not quite correct. I have a couple of errands to run but today is about deciding should I work or rest. Rest, probably, there is always tomorrow (and the next day). 

Reading, in a slightly
different light, at 6.12am
It started with trying to catch up on reading...a kind of 'pretend you have a normal life' moment. It never lasts long though. It's a slow way to read a book, at 6.12am on the days I get to 'sleep in' as it were. 

A day to head to town to do some shopping, including my mother's now rather belated birthday present, though she doesn't mind. I'm also one of those last-minute easter buyers as well, so there is that to do. 

Home to ... well, read the papers. Haven't bought two weekend papers in a while and I'm trying to pretend all the work I have to do will just find time to do itself. Rarely turns out to be the case though and so by 6.12pm, surprise, surprise, it's back at the computer thinking and churning out words, which I will spend time crafting later. It's a project that requires the words first and then the work. I could quite easily spend a year writing...not something a coalface lecturer has the luxury of doing these days however. Time for a radical rethink of what to do next year methinks...and that takes up a bit of thinking time too. 
Work, at 6.12pm

We have our bargaining round about to commence at work too where I'll be busy with representing staff about getting an agreement in place for the next three years. It's a lot of responsibility and there is much to think about. The politics always intrigues...someone is always unhappy with the task you take on in a voluntary capacity...

News is coming through too that North Korea is entering a state of war with South Korea. I'm thinking about writing a post on the other blog. I have chapter in my forthcoming book about how we might better deal with North Korea and I'm not liking what I hear coming from the US and indeed, our own foreign minister Bob Carr, who sounds decidedly uncomfortable and heavily scripted in his comments on the radio. I need to get that book finished, quickly. 

The forecast storms haven't eventuated, maybe tomorrow. 

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