Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 116: Don't stone this common crow...Euploea core

Day 116 (31 Mar) Easter Sunday, I understand, though I may be corrected. The day starts out fine enough but with the promise of storms later. 

The sun rising, at 6.12am
The view at 6.12am suggests we're in for a nice enough day so the washing goes on. Within a short period of time however, the clouds have emerged, it is clothes on the verandah, just in case. There is a little more housework to catch up on and an internal debate about whether or not to go to the bakery...staying housebound wins. Some days, I'm just happy to not make it past the boundary fence. 

A little later in the morning I get to catch up with my neighbours, the best in the world, I reckon. We usually exchange easter gifts and today is no exception. We also like to catch up, which we haven't done of late and we usually compare gardening stories. Our respective gardens are, you might say, ongoing, experimental works in progress...I think my neighbours are winning at the moment. 

Common crow, to be.
One of the things we do enjoy, as I've mentioned recently, is talk of the wildlife in the gardens. It was just at that time we noticed some caterpillars in one of my potted figs. Brilliantly coloured and there were three of them. The movements of two around and around the lip of the pot were fascinating, while the other just kept eating. Discovered later it is the caterpillar of the Euploea core or common crow butterfly, ironic really since we were just remarking on how the crows of the feathered variety had increased in numbers recently. We were a bit pleased anyway, that we might seem some butterflies soon...we shall keep an eye out. 

Back indoors and back to work. A chat with a colleague and it was time to read the papers for a committee meeting first thing on Tuesday. 
A.c.a.d.e.m.i.c. b.o.r.e.d... you might say. I'm looking forward to a little respite from this task soon too, should next year work in my favour. 

Work, at 6.12pm
I end up spending a fair bit of time on the phone today to different people, unusual since I generally manage a reasonably quiet Sunday. After a little bit of a rest (yes, I've rediscovered some languishing Angry Birds updates) it's back to work. I have some other paperwork to do and I'm in the final stages of completing the Chicago paper for now. I think that one might develop into an interesting book. 

So, at 6.12pm, during a rather big storm (which finally arrived) I found myself back at the computer, back online, back doing research. At least there's some choc to while away the working time.  The rain continues. 

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