Friday, 1 March 2013

Day 86: On the March

Day 86 (1 Mar) Here we are, March already. Clearly we live in a time dimension that is making things go faster. Today was not a trip to the SunCoast* but across town to a work-related meeting. 

[*In a twitter exchange yesterday with @Corinne_Salmon and @marygarden, I learnt that the Sunshine Coast now carries the nickname Unshine Coast. Most appropriate.]

Overnight sensation, at 6.12am
Now, most people are aware that my daily commute is about 100km and 70mins each way. By car. Would love to use public transport, but it just doesn't work, given my hours. Thus, when I'm in Brisbane, I like to use public transport. Now, just for your information, today's commute by bus (x2) via the city, out to Taringa, about 15 km...took me about 80 mins, door-to-door. Look, it was early, peak hour etc, but still, not a great ad for public transport. Would have taken about 20 mins by car. 

So not quite the same rush out the morning door, a little more time to spend on those morning things I like to do. At 6.12am I went to feed the loris, who had returned after the rain. Glad to see them but also the bromeliad which made its appearance overnight. I think if I had more time, then bromeliads are the plants I think I would most like to cultivate, at least, of the ones I reckon I might be able to do. Well, after orchids and roses (which I know I can't do ). 
Feed time at last, at 6.12am

The meeting today was a day-long meeting, or two meetings consecutively really. They concern my work with my industry union. These are always days one ends up really querying work, career, purpose and related matters. Time to move on? Time to be 'on the March'. Perhaps that time is coming. There are days when the joy of teaching gets overwhelmed by so many other things...but that's a discussion for another day. 

Home in the setting light of day, at 6.12pm

Just as Mondays for the next few months will be based in the city, then so it was returning home tonight, through the city. I do like it, and could get used to it again sooner rather than later. 

I think returning home while there is still light in the sky has something quite refreshing about it. And, coincidentally perhaps, just as the car park shadows on the leaves yesterday (Day 85) caught my eye, then so tonight the light as the sun set through the front gate. 

That's where I was, in the front gate, opening the door, after a day thinking about and discussing the state of my profession...and thinking, maybe there's more to 'March' than I anticipated. 

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