Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Day 90: We're chugging along

The campus, at 6.12pm
Day 90 (5 Mar) Return to Sippy Downs campus today...more rain...some sun. It is the second week of the new semester so one is still aiming to get the morning routine just right. 

Making lunch, at 6.12am
There is a difference in timing between heading into the city and heading up the Bruce (the Bruce highway for those outside Queensland). I'm yet to make my lunch to take to the city campus, though I do generally make it to take to Sippy Downs. That's what I was doing at 6.12am by the way. I guess so far with the city campus, there's more variety and I also basically carry my own office in my case given I am just a 'bibo' (the bus-riding version of the fly-in-fly-out academic)  so no room really to carry a lunchbox as well. 

I have a couple of meetings and a few administrative tasks to attend to today but no teaching as such. I will head to the 6pm politics class to meet the students, I'm due to take over the teaching there mid-semester. Still, there is class preparation and plenty of follow-up tasks to pursue. I'll be on campus for about 11 hours today and probably 12 tomorrow. 

The emoticon stamp, my
job is done.
During the course of the day I discovered a new gadget, one that might do away with my point and purpose on twitter...according to some. I came across a stamp which can create thousands of emoticons, the little punctuation marks that become faces that we all like to use on twitter. I favour the Japanese style ones. This stamp, looking just like the date stamps of old, creates all sorts of facial expressions. I might be tempted. 

I didn't venture far from the office today with so many things to be done. I was however, returning from the lecture theatre at 6.12pm. It was, in fact, the first time I'd been outside since going into the office at 9.00am. We're lucky, we have a rather pleasant campus, with real live kangaroos and some spectacular shape buildings, architecturally-speaking. The light at 6.12pm too, not quite sunset and working its way through the clouds. I still had another two hours ahead in the office at this stage but it was quite nice to be outside. 

The rain isn't going away for a while yet. But everyone is settling into classes and patterns for the next 14 weeks will be set soon. Before long we will, as we always do, be chugging along.  

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