Sunday, 10 March 2013

Day 95: Sunday, start with frangipanis, work out from there

Frangipanis...they like the rain. 
Day 95 (10 Mar) A Sunday which tends to go one of two ways...preparation for the teaching week ahead, or a combination of what I perceive to be a 'normal' person's day, a few chores, a bit of a rest, a bit of gardening. For some academics it ends up being a tight compromise between the two spaces...especially if you've just had a Saturday 'play day'. 

Just reading really, at 6.12am
So it was that at 6.12am, the 'need' to get up and do the washing was defeated by the desire to continue reading. That had just as much to do with the unstable weather patterns outside and that sense of wonderment about whether or not that glint of sun was in fact going to last the distance of the standard wash cycle. 

I did get up a little later to see if the rain or sun was winning. The frangipanis actually just make the day regardless. 

The rain mostly won so that means some household chores will be deferred for another day. I did get a brief opportunity to get out with the whipper snipper to tame some of the jungle out the back. It's still a bit damp to get the mower through. It's looks like I've done a do-it-yourself haircut when you can't quite make it to the hairdresser. It'll do for now. 

Susansnaps, at 6.12pm
So it was the sort of day taken up by doing those things that can be done without leaving the house. Lots of reading, loose ends to tie up, a couple of reports and reviews to complete; by the late pm I called into a colleague's place (OK, that's leaving the house) to confer on a couple of work-related matters. While there, my colleague took a call and I was just flicking through my twitter timeline, and low and behold, at the appointed moment, 6.12pm, I happened to be reading friend and fellow 612 tweepster Susan Hetherington's latest post. Susan Hetherington's latest post. Now, there was a nice serendipity about all this: Susan is into her second year of #project365 and it would be fair to say that her photographic enthusiasms and passions triggered my thinking in this direction. It was also quite an awesome post of a couple abseiling down the Kangaroo Point cliffs and exchanging wedding vows...with added video. Yep, that's Brisbane...always full of surprises. 

Meanwhile, it's back to lesson preparation and with a large chunk of administrative work out of the way, I hope to get back to doing some of the writing of stuff I'd like to do. There's much on politics to discuss and this week is the second anniversary of the Japanese tsunami/earthquake of March 2011. That's going to take up some time this week...puts our attitude to the never-ending rain into perspective, really. 

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