Sunday, 7 April 2013

Day 122: Finally, no excuses Love, (actually)

Day 122 (6 Apr) We've returned to clarinet rehearsals after the Easter break so the morning is taken up with getting our notes together. The choir is due to make a tour to Esk next month, though it clashes with the May Day March to be held in Brisbane on the same day. It's not often other activities take priority over my music (especially a 'tour') but this particular May Day will be an important one for many of us who a concerned by the overtly ideological attack on tradition by the Newman Government. 

The tour was originally scheduled with the long weekend in mind, but that has changed as a result of the government shifting the May Day holiday to October, to spread out the public holidays. Yeah, OK...

Sun up, at 6.12am
But, prior to that, up and at it, prepare the music, look over the notes, regret the lack of practice....the usual rehearsal morning. It is a reasonable start to the day as I look out the back door at 6.12am. It is the last morning of daylight savings for our southern cousins and comparing this pic with some of the other 6.12am shots, we can begin to see a discernible difference in the light. 

High Tea, at about 3.12pm
Although more work awaits, the day's highlight is a girls' High Tea at a hotel in town, a bit of a belated birthday get together with friend Susan Hetherington and new twitter pal Mel Kettle (@melkettle). Susan captured the moments (and the food) brilliantly on her post . It was indeed a lovely afternoon. It was Susan's birthday but she was doing the pressies and finally, I can say I have in my possession, a copy of the famous movie I haven't seen (no. 1), Love Actually. (The other famous movie I haven't seen being The Sound of Music. Apparently playing oodles of arrangements across various bands and orchestras doesn't count.) I have no excuses now. There will be a response in a post soon. I might even go all out and do the SoM/LA double...
Empty bus, at 6.12pm

Home briefly to do a couple of things and then to Friday night beer and pizza night, on Saturday, because it is a good thing to break habits occasionally. I just missed my bus as I reached the bus stop so it was a bit of a wait for the next one, which is where I found myself at 6.12pm, contemplating the luck of having good friends. At least, that's the reason I'm giving for being on a late bus, wouldn't want you thinking we were tea-ing all afternoon. 

It was home again to do more on the paper...almost done, or as done as it will be for the conference. It's a work in progress. 

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