Sunday, 28 April 2013

Day 142: Not a work day but...

Morning, sunshine...
Day 142 (27 Apr) Saturday. Not a rehearsal, play or concert day, unusually so a day planned of some rest and recreation prior to heading back up the coast to accompany a colleague to a work function, although I was opting to tidy up the office and catch up on some work. Even though we travel the Bruce Highway daily, somehow it doesn't seem quite right to travel up there on the weekends, much less to the campus. It helps to travel together. 

Breakfast, at 6.12am
My key task was to work through a pile of papers and research materials and cull, yes, cull and quite fiercely too...ten years of material. I had to purchase some shelving today, to take up (and, being a flatpack, construct); I needed to do some marking; I wanted to get a copy of A Clockwork Orange, since I'm seeing the play in a few weeks...

So, it was breakfast at 6.12am, in the kitchen and just above the kettle and toaster I have a serving bowl hanging on the wall. A gift from a friend a couple of years ago, it is one of those pieces that is too nice to put away in a cupboard. I know where it is all the time too. 

On the Bruce, NB, at 6.12pm
I took a bit of time out to clear some things around the garden and spotted the bromeliad, or it spotted me, such a brilliant yellow at the moment. 

At 6.12pm, we were on the road, on the Bruce, on the way to 'work', on a colleague took the photo, I don't click and drive. 

The office is a little tidier'll see soon enough, given my proclivities to be there at 6.12pm...


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