Thursday, 25 April 2013

Day 136: First position...a story to take up challenges

Day 136 (21 Apr) Sunday, washing day, catch up day, mowing day...but all rewarded with a movie later...probably. 

Early start, at 6.12am
More washing than usual so I'm actually up at 6.12am putting on the washing and other mundane household tasks that haven't been done. But at least it looks like a fine day ahead. I also need to prepare for the week ahead since the usual flow is interrupted by a two day Council retreat which will see my schedule thrown completely. A quick trip up the Coast in the morning means I will lose my usual time in at South Bank for preparation. 

There have been developments in the Boston Marathon bombing as well, two brothers, migrants from Russia have been identified as the bombers. Again, as an international security specialist, it is inevitable that I am drawn to how this is unfolding. It is a sort of distraction from my tasks, but it is work I guess. 

Mowing, it has its rewards,
at 6.12pm
We opt for a change in the usual scheduling. A movie to see is on at midday so it's a quick dash to the other side of town. First Position is a documentary following the fortunes of several youngsters aiming to compete at an American ballet competition where the prizes include contracts and scholarships for careers in dance. It is fairly typical of the genre but one always marvels at the dedication of young people to aim for and achieve their goals. Probably why I'm in education...

It's back then to the preparation and then, just before darkness falls, my favourite household job...mowing the lawn. Completed just-in-time for the 6.12pm reward...

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