Thursday, 25 April 2013

Day 135: A day at mum's

Day 135 (20 Apr) Saturday, clarinet day. To be honest, I'd probably take today as a rest day but it is my section's turn to provide the morning tea. The clarinet choir has about 25-30 members and, like a voice choir, we are split into 'sections' playing the first, second, third, fourth and bass parts. I'm a bassist. There is also a friendly competitive nature about the morning teas too so it would be wrong to miss it. Besides, it is one of my favourite things. 

Light and shade, at 6.12am
And it is not that I'm tired, or jetlagged, let's face it, there hasn't been time for that but at 6.12am I am viewing the world from the pillow. But again, from a photographic point of view, I quite like the play of light and dark and the lines across the window. It is taking longer to light up each morning. 

I've also decided to head down the coast to catch up with my mum (and come bearing gifts from the trip). I didn't quite manage to catch up before I went away and that never feels quite right. 

Mum's place, at 6.12pm
We had a lovely lunch then popped down the road to test out the newish car. At 6.12pm I was in mum's lounge room, just before I was due to leave. Mum's house is rich with the family history and over the stairwell we have photos of my maternal grandmother's generation. My grandmother as a baby, her parents on their wedding day, a collection of photos of great uncles and aunts and cousins to the left of that. Helps to reflect on who we are...

It's then home, more writing, more reading and ready to face another day of class preparation tomorrow. 

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