Day 137: #612bluesky, more than a passing phase
Day 137 (22 Apr) The day dawns and I consider the magnitude of the next two days...I am a member of my University's Council and it is time for the annual retreat. This is always a bit tricky since it coincides with teaching. My timetable will allow for attendance at much of it but it means covering many miles in between. It was decided that a Council meeting would be held as part of this retreat and that will be at 8.30 Monday morning. That means a dash up the Coast for the meeting and then back to South Bank for the politics class.
Prep, at 6.12am |
At 6.12am then, it is collecting materials and practically running out the door in order to make the meeting. I also need to ensure I have all that is needed to make it back to South Bank as well. For those of us who are bona fide creatures of habit, this is a disruption to the usual breakfast at 6.12. Nonetheless, I make it in time, both to the coast and back to South Bank.
#612bluesky |
Today's class is about minor parties and independents in our political system, one in which I can speak directly to my experience working in the Senate for an independent senator. It always enlivens textbook discussion. I share around the last lot of Chicago chocolates.
Having made it back to South Bank, that also means I can get home while it is still light. Autumn is a great time for the ongoing unofficial #612bluesky project and there is a great pic of the sky with just a hint of the moon. I snap/tweet it because...I can't help myself.
The news, at 6.12pm |
I should also be going to orchestra rehearsal but the week ahead is going to be a demanding one with a second day of the retreat tomorrow as well as taking over the remaining classes in the semester for a colleague going on leave. It is an additional six hours of teaching on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I want to be sure I'm sufficiently prepared. Tuesday is teaching until 9pm, that's after starting the day with an 8.00am meeting. Academics have it easy though, apparently.
Catching up on the political news is what I'm doing at 6.12pm. And thinking about what sort of contribution I can make tomorrow in a meeting when the burdens of the tertiary sector have just about reached breaking point.
One feels somewhat helpless ...
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