Thursday, 6 June 2013

Day 180: Marking time

Day 180 (4 June) Tuesday. The anniversary of Tianamen Square (1989) and the passing of my paternal grandfather (1990). Not a lot about the former in the media...interesting. I was a staffer in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1990. How time passes and how we mark time...

...which is where I'm at at the moment, or should be but for work commitments including preparation for two days of high school student visits, tomorrow and Thursday. Oh dear. 

Early start, at 6.12am
So it is an early start. No rehearsal last night meant an early start this morning. Might as well get up and write and read, which I did. Can't understand how the innate desire and opportunity to sleep a little longer is defeated by a body clock that says five hours is sufficient. 

So, there I was, at 6.12am, reading and writing...and having the second of two early morning coffees. Speaking of time marching on, that mug is now about 16 years about that. 

In between the marking today, I have a couple of pitches to make to some media, upcoming stories, one in particular about the Japanese election. My colleague and I also have to finalise the timetable for next semester and we need to prepare for tomorrow. 

The familiar view, at 6.12pm
I get the pitches done over the course of the day, some of the marking and finalising the the content of workshops next week. Since I've given a colleague a lift up today, I won't be staying my usual late time. At 6.12pm though, I've resumed a familiar position, at my desk, in my office...classes are over, here we go again. 

I have to start focussing on the Japanese election too. I have a plan to get over there to observe and write about it. The LDP is starting to show signs of hubris...the Constitution is under the spotlight. They too, have just been marking time...perhaps. 

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