Saturday, 29 June 2013

Day 205: Harmony and team work...another rehearsal

Day 205 (29 Jan) Saturday. Play day. Bass clarinets are responsible for the morning tea today, I should be up early to make some muffins...however...

Saturday reading, at 6.12am
Rather than do that, at 6.12am, I've opted to read one of the books I bought yesterday. It is a fictional account of North Korea. Where possible, I try to encourage students to read novels or watch films as entrees into the regions we learn about during the week. This one is a Pulitzer Prize-winning story and I've read some interesting reviews. Seems like it might be a good one to recommend. 

What's cooking, at 6.12pm
Up and at it though to get to clarinet rehearsal at 10.00am as well as pick up some morning tea on the way. I notice throughout the suburbs of my electorate (that would be Griffith, electorate of the now incumbent prime minister), that the main challenger, Bill Glasson, has volunteers and corflutes on every major corner. Visibility is certainly high. It seems the political contests in my residential electorate (Griffith) and my work electorates (Fairfax and Fisher) are going to provide a psephy with much to investigate over the next few weeks, or months, depending on when the election will now be called. The prime minister has indicated it will no longer be on 14 September. 

I hope not.
It is pretty well straight home after rehearsal to read the papers and do some more reading (and just a little blogging). I've not shopped for a while so at 6.12pm it's a matter of making up something from nothing for tonight's dinner, as I'm explaining to mum on the phone just as the ingredients are coming together. After that, it's back to some reading and perhaps an early tonight. Tomorrow is a trip to work in the morning to fix grades and then an afternoon watching The Maleny Singers perform Die Fledermaus. There's some pretty strong ties between the Singers and the St Lucia Orchestra...harmony and team work and a small (musical) world. 

It's something the polity can learn from...I'm hoping the title of the book I bought yesterday isn't entirely so, but the last few days...well...let's see. Late mail on polling has PM Kevin Rudd ahead as preferred PM now over Tony Abbott...there is so much we need to learn about polls and their worth. Politics is not a popularity contest. 

I've been listening to Elgar on the radio but I believe the Wallabies might have won tonight...I guess that's Kevin Rudd's magic too. 

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