Saturday, 29 June 2013

Day 204: In town, in Council

Day 204 (28 Jun) Friday. No drive today but an all day meeting at the state council of my Union is due to convene this morning for eight hours. That requires stamina. 

Oats, at 6.12am
Breakfast at 6.12am. We've moved to porridge at this time of year and yes, I'm old school...cooked on the stove, traditional rolled oats not the new-fangled minute oats...they're smaller and don't seem to taste the same. These are the breakfast issues...

The meeting is held at Taringa. That's two bus trips over, a train and a bus trip home. Given the National Council's resolution in Canberra just last week to campaign against the Labor Party cuts to higher education, naturally the events of the past couple of days are high on the agenda today. 

The only way is up, Myer Centre,
at 6.12pm
It's a long day, much is discussed. I'm also informed during the day by our IT people that the marking software has no issues with their 'value inputting'...yes, well...

On my way home through the city there is some time to browse in my favourite bookshop which I haven't done for a while. It gives me time to pause and reflect...and think about the writing I have to do and resources I can buy to read in preparation for next semester's could be my last teaching semester for a while, but there is always much to read...

It's home read, to think, to reflect on the week. I get in touch with my friend in Japan about my forthcoming trip, that is something to look forward to indeed. 

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