Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Day 200: My goodness, 200 days of this?

Day 200 (24 Jun) Monday. Day 200... I just have to take that on for a moment. It's a milestone I didn't expect to reach. Bit like the time I approached my 5000th tweet...it felt rather odd. Now, I'm approaching tweet number 30,000 and that seems rather odd too. 

Supermoon setting, at 6.12am
I wasn't really thinking about that at 6.12am but rather trying to capture the moon setting since we had all made such a fuss of its rising 13 hours earlier. The clouds were in the way again as I looked to the west but still it made for an effective colouring of the clouds, quite different from the sun and its colours. 

I opted to spend the day at home marking, the chore is almost complete. Once the marks are in, it is then to course outlines and semester two preparation. It's too nice a day to not spend some time on the verandah marking as well...this is a luxury I don't have at my office. The sun at one point seemed to forget we were in winter and the patterns naturally attracted the photographer's eye. 
Marking distraction

The leadership issue continues apace. It is becoming so distracting that even I am beginning to tire of it and finally of Mr Rudd's petulance. Enough already. This is no longer about the leadership of the country but spite and revenge...the Labor Party is in a bit of a mess of their own making and I don't think there will be a neat exit point. 

Meanwhile, over in Tokyo, the city gubernatorial election has resulted in something of a landslide for the LDP though only one in three people have turned out to vote. Much can be read into that, just as much can be read into the landslide interpretation. It augurs a major victory for the LDP next month, and interesting ramifications. 

Office or home, always work,
at 6.12pm
(it seems)
Monday night is of course rehearsal night and since I missed it last Monday night. I'm just reading over a light dinner prior to heading out.  In the end, I'm not actually required for the first hour, I'm not playing in the pieces we're rehearsing. Twitter helps the time pass...no wonder I can get to 200 days and almost 30,000 tweets. Not much happens at all really. 

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