Friday, 21 June 2013

Day 196: Marking time (we've been here before)

Day 196 (20 Jun) Thursday. I toss up about heading up the highway to do what I could do perfectly well at home...marking. 

I decide to save petrol and the environment. Good decision. An 'incident' on the Bruce Highway further north means that I would have been stranded for about fifteen exam papers' worth of time. At 6.12am, I've been working away on some of the papers. 

Papers, at 6.12am
I also consider my 'work pile' of reading and writing that has been building over the semester. This is a little (growing) corner of my room where I have been putting books that need reviewing, considering for next semester's classes, contribute to the myriad articles in half draft form. There's my 'break' before me...

The raw materials
The other reason I prefer to work at home today is an appointment in at studio 420 at the ABC this evening where Rebecca Levingston will be doing her show in front of a 'live' audience, and a bunch of the dedicated #612tweepster brigade and a few others. I'm pleased to be getting along because I missed the last one through work and will miss the next one because I'll be in Tokyo...for the ... ELECTION! I'm quite excited. 

I head in to town about 5.30 and meet up with a few people. We are allowed into the studio at about 6.30pm so of course, I just happened to find myself in the foyer of the ABC building at 6.12.01pm...where else. 

In at the ABC, at 6.12.01pm
A great night was enjoyed by all. People in the audience, people on stage; Rebecca and her producer Lachlan McIntosh do a marvellous job, along with a host of others with whom we are familiar...Anne, Halina, Gary. Spencer pops in too and I get to meet Shelley's daughters. Many marvellous tweepsters turn up and a few new ones too. So much fun was had by all that it warrants a 'plus alpha' page, coming up in the next post. 

Home...but the marking hasn't done itself in my absence. Darnit, that can mean only one thing tomorrow. I'll be marking time, again. 

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