Sunday, 23 June 2013

Day 199: The Great Gatsby and the supermoon

Day 199 (23 Jun) Sunday. Aha, early start today, to catch the 10.00AM session of the movie The Great Gatsby. Why? Because we can I suppose.

There is quite a bit of interest in Gatsby. It's directed by Baz Lurhmann; it is filmed in Manly, Sydney (St Patrick's...the 'gothic' building on the cliff face I grew up with, looking at it from a distance). We also did Gatsby at school, for English one year. Watching the film today, I'm not sure how or why it would be set as a junior high school text. I've downloaded the novel to read it again tonight...

Morning light, at 6.12am
So I'm up at 6.12am, taken again by the light and lines in the backyard. I'm trying to decide whether or not to do the washing...will there be time...or leave it until I get home. We've passed winter solstice too, so this is about as dark in the morning as it will get. 

The movie was, well, Luhrmannesque, quite lush, quite sumptuous. I think it captured the sense of the era rather nicely. It even retained elements of the earlier version of the movie I remember from school, most particularly, the billboard with the optometrist's glasses. St Patrick's probably never quite saw parties of that type either. 

I should head straight home to continue marking; I have a plan to go out this afternoon to catch the 'supermoon' at Manly, Brisbane. But, easily distracted, I've gone off in search of a possum-proof herbarium... Yesterday during our meanderings, mum and I came across a decorative parrot cage which, if it had a larger door, might have been gave me an idea! It maybe a largish cage could be the answer--the only question is will it be aesthetic, or practical? On first view today, it can't be both. But there is an idea there...

Manly, at 6.12pm
There is talk tonight of a 'supermoon', due to rise in Brisbane at 4.56pm. I've decided to head out to Manly (Brisbane) with the cameras to see what I can capture. As I noted a couple of weeks ago, I've decided to take some black and white film again and although moon shots are rather difficult to take, I thought I might as well give it a go. 

Turns out, there was quite a lot of cloud on the horizon and in the sky proper so it was sometime after moonrise before the moonlight started its dance with clouds. I've still got a lot of work to do when it comes to getting the moonlight light, right. 

At 6.12pm, I was about to pack it in on Manly esplanade and head home. Something interesting about that dark street look. It's a fish and chip kinda night...

Julia Gillard remains prime minister. 

Just a few indulgent pics of Manly, moonrise, 4.50 to 6.01pm. Clouds make great photographic subjects. 


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