Saturday, 29 June 2013

Day 202: It's on!

Day 202 (26 Jun) Wednesday. Well. Well, well, well. What a day. Just when one thought the most anxiety-inducing time today was going to be tonight's football match...

Coffee pot, at 6.12am
Started ordinarily enough. Early start as usual, coffee at 6.12am. The plan is to get to work and input all the marks to the new-fangled software that makes somebody's life easier...just not mine. I'd like to be away early enough to listen to the State of Origin, Game 2, from Lang Park this evening. Important one for Queensland to level the series but we know they will. 

Ekka decisions made
In the twitter background though, the Rudd forces are assembling. The anticipated challenge looks like it is on...though surely not today? I'm also finalising the Ekka pics, just a sneak preview of three of the four. 

Always tricky to keep to the main game when matters political start to take off. In the short time this morning that I was in a moderation meeting, the momentum, or #Ruddmentum as one cheeky cartoonist had termed it, was gaining ground.

It began with the existence of a petition (or not) to call a meeting of caucus and subsequent challenge to the leadership. A petition simply requires one third of signatures. I am, at this stage, a bit disappointed that our politics has come to this. The last week of the 43rd Parliament, an election looming anyway in September, it just seems petty and of course troubling from a teaching perspective. This is really poll-drived, ego-driven stuff. It is not defining a civil polity at all. 

Movement at the station,
at 6.12pm
There is a declaration that a leadership ballot will be held at 7.00pm. Blast. That's just an hour or so before kick-off. At 6.12pm, I am multi-media-tasking...twitter, radio, ABCNews24, the day's work is not finished and there is a football match to be played. Even my mum is calling my office a few times to express her dismay.

The kick-off is delayed. The nation awaits. In the end, it is a noted shift by so-called 'kingmaker' (I have other words in mind) Bill 'Machiavelli' Shorten that delivers the leadership to Kevin Rudd, 57-45. It is a bloodied end to the prime ministership of our first female prime minister...there is much to analyse over the next few days. 

Oh, Queensland won. 26-6, on 26/6, here on my 6.12 blog. It was a numbers day.

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