Friday, 14 June 2013

Day 186: Wet, washing, cooking, HBQEII

A wet and cold day for all
Day 186 (10 Jun) Monday. A public holiday. Here in Queensland it is the Queen's Birthday holiday though this time last year it was going to happen in October and then it was changed back to June and now May Day is in October instead. We need holidays in the latter half of the year, apparently. Anyway, it is wet and a bit cold and the marking is calling...

Reading, at 6.12am
Sneaking a bit of a sleep-in of sorts being a cold, wet public holiday and all. I've started reading a book I picked up in Chicago, Maphead, by Ken Jennings, one for geographers (not me) and/or people who like maps (me, in search of Watanabe's journey). At 6.12am it was rather dark outside so reading seemed like the right option. It was also a washing day, but using the airer and I went with a little baking as well. 

It's mostly a day for catching up on work though, a bit of marking, a bit of writing and thinking about next semester's courses as well. The loris decorated the verandah all day, trying to hide from the cold and could take one hundred photos of them...oh, wait.

Eaten, at 6.12pm
I have rehearsal tonight and wet nights are always is hard for some people to get out in this weather and there's always a brief discussion about whether or not to cancel. We press on. I called into a friend's place on the way though, where we demolished a second plate of the muffins. I tend to be like that...not much cooking for ages then...lots. The muffins are pretty easy to make and I only really made them because I had no bread and I didn't want to go out. 

The rehearsal went ahead as planned and rather uneventfully. It looks like an interesting program next concert, it will feature a number of young soloists...perhaps a Karin Schaupp of the future there...the Orchestra is good for that. 

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