Friday, 14 June 2013

Day 188: Through the fog

The view out the back, at 6.12am
Day 188 (12 Jun) Wednesday. Photographers are excited...the twittersphere is this morning is alive with some of the impressive Brisbane fog. I noticed it moving in last night on the drive home along the Bruce Highway, for much of the distance, so I wasn't surprised. The rain has stayed around too so it is a combination of fog, rain, wind, cold...and I have to drive in it shortly. 

The street at 6.00am
I'd actually rather be heading off on a photographic expedition but the view of the streetlights out the front will have to suffice for now. The first shot at 6.00 has that look about it and 12 minutes later at 6.12am the fog is still around. There is something quite atmospheric about foggy mornings. There have been some terrific pics this morning, especially one or two by Shelley Lloyd of the ABC. 

Atmospheric it might be, but a bugger to drive through. It takes a little longer with the rain and the fog, a bit of mist and mizzle but one gets to work eventually, with enough time to get ready for the next workshop, the first years.  

This one will take a little longer, more students but shorter presentations. It is always such a reward to see how far so many of them have come in just 13 short weeks. It does seem tough but they all do so well. 

The office, at 6.12pm
That takes up much of the day but there is much happening in the political world. We've gone from #ruddmentum to men in blue ties and now it is about some rather vile references to the Prime Minister on a menu, the veracity of which is now being challenged. I have a horrible feeling politics is sliding quickly into an abyss...or even an abscess perhaps. A tricky day to be interviewed by a regional newspaper about the likely impact a Kevin Rudd visit to Gladstone might might be time for another psephy's ~ologies post...

I'm still in the office at 6.12pm, marking, aiming to get as much marked this week as I can. The mug of coffee is courtesy of the Art Institute of of my favourite places. I'm also finding the language of our political discourse this week rather disturbing...while all the kerfuffle surrounds leadership, asylum seeker bodies are left in the ocean where their boat sank and Nelson Mandela is in a serious condition in hospital. These are important things. I need to work harder, through this fog. 

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