Sunday 22 September 2013

Day 240: On being 'Exhumed'

Day 240 (3 August) Saturday. Working through the day though there is a little more dark news on the horizon with another friend, but there is (also) a determination that this won't stop things going on. [Bloody cancer...had quite enough thank you...]

Light and lines, at 6.12am
It is a slowish start today, the usual reading in the morning (I didn't realise I did that quite so much until I started this blog) and at 6.12am I continue to take a photographic interest in the light and lines through the window. At the end of this exercise it will be part of that interesting gradation of change over the year. 

I get out and about a little later to find the roses blooming somewhat spectacularly. These are quite fascinating, I've rarely tended them in any special way and they seem to thrive on almost total neglect...amazing. As a photographer, the angles always make a fascinating play with lines and colour (in this case). 

Arriving at the 'Keddie', at
A bit of a '612' event this evening is on the cards. Over the last few months, ABC Local Radio has been running a music competition for music bands 'that never were'. It's been interesting listening to the entrants and tonight is the night of the the Kedron-Wavell Services Club. I've managed to obtain a couple of tickets so head there with a friend for the start. At 6.12pm we've made it in time for dinner and then on to the evening's entertainment. 

Members of Diddly Squat, via their intro video
A good fun night of music and two preferred bands came up trumps and were declared the joint winners: Diddly Squat and The Roseberys. Interesting being a member of the audience at the 'Keddie' as 'Timmy' Cox nicknamed just a couple of weeks time, I'll be here again, on stage with the St Lucia Orchestra, for our annual performance. It will be quite a different session. 

It wasn't too late a night...we're all in the 'Exhumed' age bracket after all and there are things to be done tomorrow...

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