Monday 7 October 2013

Day 254: Concerts, concerts

Centre of attention: Bella

Day 254 (17 Aug) Saturday. A concert this evening (to attend) and a concert tomorrow (to play). The August weekends continue to remain full. 

Dawn, at 6.12am
Mum's azaleas
Tonight's concert features a favourite pianist (Nikolai Demidenko) and favourite composer, Dvorak, his Symphony no. 8. In the morning I take a bit of time to catch up on the week's political events via the newspapers early on, before heading down to visit my mum. Entertainer of the moment goes to her new pup Bella who is becoming accustomed to having her photo taken. 

It is a stunningly colourful start to the morning at 6.12. These are the most stunning of skies to look at, the colour, the texture of the clouds and just watching the colour 'fade' in a very short time. 

By the time I've visited mum and had lunch and done a few other things (including purchase of a winning lotto ticket--haha) it is time to turnaround and head back for the QSO concert. 

Thinking, at 6.12pm
At 6.12pm, I'm at a friend's mother's place where she has an intriguing sculpture just near the many stories I bet, so ripe for the imagination. (So many friends now are also attuned to this 6.12 project...they sometimes remind me.)

The concert is a stunning one as anticipated, the Rach piano concerto no. 2 the highlight. Demidenko has toured here previously, he is such a joy to hear. 

Home to rest, for tomorrow is St Lucia Concert, series three, number one...

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